
What is the integral of 3^x?

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Is it (3^(x+1))/(x+1), because if so I can't see why.




  1. let 3^x=u

    then xlog3=logu


    ln3dx=(1/u)du or dx=(1/ln3)(1/u)du.......(1)

    now integration of 3^x is




    =(1/ln3)u +constant

    put u=3^x

    result is

    (1/ln3)*3^x +c

  2. That looks right to me.  

  3. No, because x appears in the exponent.

    The answer is 3^x / ln (3) +C

    let 3^x = u

    x ln (3) = ln (u)

    ln (3) dx = du/u

    dx = du / ln(3) u

    ∫ 3^x dx = ∫ u du / ln(3) u

    = ∫ du / ln(3)

    =u / ln (3) +C

    = 3^x / ln (3) +C

  4. yup. just add 1 to the exponent and divide it by the exponent plus one

    [3^(x+1)] / x+1

  5. It's (3^x)/Log(3) + constant if it's indefinite.

  6. Maybe it would help to know the derivative rule for arbitrary bases with the variable in the exponent:

    d/dn [ aⁿ ] = ln(a) · aⁿ

    You're probably familiar with one special case where the base happens to be the constant e:

    d/dn [ eⁿ ] = ln(e) · eⁿ = eⁿ

    This is because ln(e) = 1

    The above is the more general case though.


    That derivative can be proven easily:

    y = aⁿ

    ln(y) = ln(aⁿ)

    Use the rules of log to factor out the exponent:

    ln(y) = n·ln(a)

    Take the derivative:

    d/dx [ ln(y) ] = d/dx [ n·ln(a) ]

    1/y · y' = ln(a)

    y' = ln(a)·y

    Replace y with what it is equal to in the original problem:

    y' = ln(a)·aⁿ


    When you take the derivative of something with an arbitrary base, you *multiply* by the LN of the base.

    Therefore, to take this integral, you want to *divide* by the LN of the base.


    ∫ 3ⁿ dn = 3ⁿ/ln(3) + C

    The integral you want is not what you provided; it is actually 3^(x)/ln(3).


    All you need is to recall the above; this doesn't really require using anything u-substitutions or anything fancy. If you really want to do that though, you can do many things, including the below:


    ∫ 3ⁿ dn

    Use e and ln, opposite operations:

    = ∫ e^[ ln(3ⁿ) ] dn

    Use the rule of logs that lets you factor out an exponent:

    = ∫ e^[ n·ln(3) ] dn

    Let u = n·ln(3)

    Then du = ln(3)dx

    And dx = du / ln(3)

    Substitute and integrate:

    → ∫ e^[ u ] du / ln(3)

    = e^[ u ] / ln(3) + C

    = e^[ n·ln(3) ] / ln(3) + C

    Factor out n from the exponent, and then cancel e and ln:

    = e^[ ln(3) ]ⁿ / ln(3) + C

    = 3ⁿ / ln(3) + C

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