
What is the internet? Please read before answering the question.?

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I am familiar with the internet but what is it classified under?

Is it a network, an application??




  1. i don't know the answer to this question but it is a good one and i think "gary d"  is a tool because you ARE using the internet to find out by ASKING people on the INTERNET!  duh. why do people answer questions just to insult the asker?  losers.

  2. The Internet is a worldwide communications network originally developed by the US Department of Defense as a distributed system with no single point of failure.  Applications such as mail clients, web page servers and browsers are used to access and use the core infrastructure.  Though the Internet uses servers to facilitate communication around the network itself, conceptually, The Internet is a collection of computers connected via local, national and international telecoms communications cabling.

  3. how about you use the internet to find out what iit is instead of asking people?

  4. Maybe it is a network. (Internet) it has a suffix net.

  5. Above: If you are just going to copy and paste information please include its source.

    The internet is a giant network connecting millions of computers and servers around the globe together and fascilitating data transfer.

    Applications such as your internet broswer allow you to navigate through this network.

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