
What is the investment to open a new TV channel?

by  |  earlier

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What is the investment to open a new TV channel?




  1. Pretty substantial.  You would have to purchase an FCC broadcast license which run in the millions of dollars.  

    How about an internet site?  or a YouTube Channel?  These are much cheaper alternatives.

  2. for broadcast may take you a million bucks in US dollars.

    the expensive stuffs are

    1. transmitter

    2. Tower

    3. Set up of Technical Operation Center

    4. Set up of editing and production bay

    5 set up of studios.

    i suggest you email they offer free business mentoring

  3. Aside from the fact that you would need to obtain an FCC license at considerable expense (10's millions plus legal fees, and a fight from every media outlet trying to lobby against you), it will cost $4-10 billion US dollars to establish a national media channel.

    A foreign media company was established last year and this was their costs.

    It would be cheaper (maybe $500 -$2000 for web host, domain, webcam or video cam (biggest expense), USB cable, software) to get a website and broadcast yourself on the net.

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