I dated a wonderful woman for over a year, but as I told her at one point, it seemed that as we grew closer, she would emotionally attack me over what I felt were minor issues. She would put me through two of three day episodes of anger which always came back to her telling me I did not love her. She had huge anxiety and startled easy, along with panic attacks. She seemed very insecure at times. She truly was beautiful inside and out, but she tore me up as these episodes became more freqeunt. The hardest decision of my life was to break it off with her and then she portrayed me as the demon. I spoke with her ex-husband and he informed me she had been in a very abusive relationship (physical and verbal). He descibed her issue as "thinking too much about stupid little things and then going way overboard" and I agree. She wore me down and tore me up; never an apology. I'd lay awake at night wondering when the next verbal attack would come.