
What is the japan girls role in their culture?

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I'm a mexican who went out with a japan girl and the way she offer her self to pay all the cost I feel weird at first because my culture is "guys has to pay all the costs". I ask her if is ok for me to pay and there was no respond just a smile. I wanted to show her I am a responsible for the costs and I'm not cheap lol. In my culture is guys needs to open the door for girls but she tried to tell me to go first and the way she walk It was like I was leading her the way not be next to me. I don't know her culture because she is the first japanese girl and the way that I will go to a college that has high percentage of japanese people that why I want to their reaction next day I tried to communicate with her because she wanted to go to hollywood but there was no respond , I'm the only mexican friend she have because all her friends are japanese and she told me. My opinion is this she had in trouble because a guy answered my call and the way he hang up I feel mad because I feel It was my fault that she in trouble and because she came from japan to california 5 months and now I'm trying to speak alone with her because I feel weird to speak in front of her friends because I don't speak japanese and I don't know if they speak english i feel secure to speak with her alone. I need help and tell me about japanese girl role in their culture plz help me to understanding their culture and the only thing I know is they work hard in school to get a better in their country they go to school in the morning till at night and that way I'm trying to help her out to have a great time anf forget of school for a day,




  1. the only way to really know a person's culture is to talk about it.  japanese girls are not expected to pay while on a date.  you can go "dutch" if you both agree.

  2. She probably doesn't even like you.  I think she just didn't want to hurt your feelings so she hangs out with you. But she pays and opens her own doors for herself so that way it doesn't look like you guys are on a date or are a couple. Why don't you just ask her what's up?

  3. In traditional Japanese lifestyle the women play the role of house keeper so Im not exactly sure why she is paying your way maybe she is just being nice.

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