
What is the job do u think i should have?

by  |  earlier

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What is the job do u think i should have?




  1. Somehow I think that a position as a psychologist with the military or maybe assigned to the police force, would be absolutely perfect for you.

    Keep your dreams,hold them close,so close that they will become a part of your life and be whoever or whatever YOU really want to be.

    After all these years of Qs about the joining the military and your hopes and dreams turn into reality.

    Now I'm feeling as though our lil' Gigi,"our patriotic lil' sis'" is  growing up and perparing to fly in this world alone.

    Sail as high as you dare to go,keep your dreams close to you then push the expected boundries just a little further.  

    May Allah's light shine on you always, lil sis'.

  2. search for the job that makes you wear a uniform.

    an officer .

  3. a bank officer sounds good

  4. For u Gigi .....

    Might be a Traffic Police officer sounds good


    Just kidding ... Think in a Job u like ..... u decide this

  5. It depends what you like to do. Now adays doctors make great money. I plan to be an artist, but thats a risky choice money wise. How about a dentist or othodontist. I dont know. This would have been a whole lot easier if you gave details about you.... Heck this is a waste of time.... Wait.... How'd I get here?? XD jk

  6. mmmm tourist guide in panorama 7Rab October

  7. You make me feel like it is easy to find a job here and you will get whatever job you choose.

  8. Officer i am sure u will be the best female officer xoxoxox

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