
What is the job in life you could not bring yourself to do?? Mine is work in a slaughter house....NO WAY!!?

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I am No vegi..but as we eat meat well loads of us do!! but just how many want to look the lamb,calf,chickin in tha eyes .And kill them...I COULD NOT!!! COULD YOU>??




  1. I couldn't be the person that picks up road kill.  I saw a dog with no head the other day only meat!  Ugh...

    I couldn't do the slaughterhouse...

    I couldn't do a children's hospital/hospice either.  If I could be in a recovery only aread that'd be different.

  2. I would have to say a bulter/man-servant to a pompous b*****d.  I'm disgusted at the idea of serving on someone hand and foot, and them acting like they deserve it.

  3. We live on a permaculture farm.  We raise meat goats, and meat rabbits.  None of our animals leave the farm alive.  They are all butchered here, by our customers.  We also butcher our own animals, for our own meat.  I've also had to go out in the pasture and shoot goats, after someones pet dog (who wouldn't harm a fly) went on a rampage ripping up my goats.

    No, it's not easy.  I've even bottle raised some we've butchered (I cannot personally kill them).  How are we able to look them in the eyes and kill them?  Because we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt they had the best life, the most natural life, and the most humane life possible.  How can you stand to eat meat from animals that you have no idea what kind of life, or death they had?  (Actually you have a VERY good idea what kind of horrible life they had, since your meat more than likely comes from a factory farm)

    I could not be a social worker, taking care of child abuse know, the like the 10 year old girl here in my neck of the woods (on the news every night) who just gave birth to a child.  Her mother didn't take her to the doctor, until she was in active labor.  The mothers live-in boyfriend is the one who got the 10 year old pregnant (and the mother knew).  

    Yup...child abuse would send me completely over the top


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  4. I'd have to agree with you there. I also wouldn't want to work in a factory that packages/distributes manure. Gross!

  5. No me neither

    I could not be a teacher or a social worker or be in the police either

    It would take someone with more iron in their blood than me to deal with chavs all day for a living.

    I commend those who do but they would just depress me too much

  6. I couldn't work in the media.  I am aware of just how absent the truth is in every single news report or paper column.  I just couldn't be a part of such a large scale deception.  I have actually seen, on more than one occasion,. just how much the mass media twists 'everything' that it reports.

    One example; the UK media reported the collapse of WTC building 7 about thirty minutes before it happened.  They are simply reading pre-prepared scripts, in many cases prepared before the events even occur.

  7. I could. I'd rather do that than clean toilets... ewwwww.

  8. Tried it for a while but pulled out after six months - working in a children's hospice.  Was going home in tears every night.

  9. Head chairman of the Demecratic National Committee. I could never sell my sole to the devil or my country to the interest of special groups to further divide the country to stop progress.

  10. slaughterhouse is tied with #1 but for me it'd be a fur farm.

    A lot of those animals are alive when they're skinned. having to do that while they're screaming and kicking? not a chance. not for all the money in the world

  11. Being a Social Worker in Today's Society.

  12. same a you, totally agree with you.

  13. I couldn't be responsible for euthanizing the animals in the pound.  Could not bring myself to do this.

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