
What is the job market like for someone who want to become a golf course superintendent?

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I am currently majoring in Turfgrass Science at Penn State University and one option is a specialized major to become a golf course superintendent. What is the job market like for golf course superintendents? What is the starting pay like?




  1. 25% of the top 100 golf courses in the country have Penn State Grads as superintendants. You are at the premier turfgrass management program on the planet!

    That being said, you need to talk to your counselor and see if you can get a summer job on a golf course grounds crew to learn the basics. You will have a much easier time getting hired as an Assistant Superintendant if you have worked at least one and preferably two summers on a golf course.

    The job market is excellent for Penn State Grads in this field, since a PSU Turfgrass Science degree is well respected around the globe. Starting pay for Assistant Superintendants at private clubs in the Northern US should be about $25-35K per year. Superintendants at good private clubs make double that. Of course, you are talking about a job where you can work 50-70 hours per week, easily during the growing season.

  2. I would assume that you have a career counselor.  You will be an assistant for a number of years.  Get an assistant's job at the course with the best reputation, even if all you will be doing is weed-whacking and digging out bunkers with a shovel.  Your pedigree will matter a lot to clubs that are hiring.

    Good luck.

    I would contact the gcsaa chapter in the area that you would like to work in.

  3. The market is saturated.  Not enough jobs and WAY to many people qualified for the position.

  4. First hand, I do not know what the job market is like, but I can tell you where to look.  The PGA of America's website has a listing for careers in golf.  The jobs range from Club Pros to sales associates at Golf superstores.

    I do know one man who is a course superintendent.  He has been at the same Club for 22 years.  I have no idea what her earns, but he lives in an upscale Chicago neighborhood and has 9 children.  So my guess is that he must do pretty well.

    I hope this information is helpful.

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