
What is the key to being successful?

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Ok I'm 16. I'm just middle class. I live in a suburb of ohio. I get decent grades in high school and going part time to college. I want to be successful in life more then anything. I don't mean fame. I'm talking financially successful. What is the key that all these millionaires have. What separates us from them? This is a serious question and i want a serious answer. What is the best way to acheive this..?




  1. Very simple, control of capital.  Those who do not control capital, can never be truely "wealthy".  You can achieve a very comfortable lifestyle by working for someone who does control wealth, but you will not become insanely wealthy (assuming you arent an athlete or movie/music star), without controlling capital.

  2. I'd say focus. As long as you focus on what you want, nothing will stop you from getting what you want, right?

  3. Start a business.  

  4. The key to failure is trying to please everybody.

  5. I think that's the biggest question we all have.  I don't believe there is a consistent formula.  However, I believe there are certain personal attributes that make a person more likely to be financially successful.

    1. Learn self control.  If we can't bring ourselves under control, we certainly won't be able to handle the subtleties of wealth.

    2. Drop the entitlement.  We're not entitled to anything we haven't earned.

    3. Take risks.  Use your best judgment but remember failure is a classroom, feel the pain and learn from it.

    4. Self confidence comes from following what you believe to be right with your actions.  Be congruent with what you believe.

    5. Spend less than you make...ALWAYS.  Avoid debt like a tainted hamburger.

    6. Give to others in need.  Donate to a Church or civic organization that represents your interests and values.

    7. Be creative and think outside the box.

    8. Be fair and honest...what good is money if you can't sleep at night?

    9. Remember where you came from.  You can be financially successful without trashing others or being embarrassed by your roots.

    Granted there millionaires that don't follow any of that (and they get the news headlines) , but I think there are a lot more that do and we never know it.

    Good luck

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