
What is the key to not becoming bitter?

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I have experienced enough in my young life (20 yrs) to make me feel bitter yet I've decided to not hold grudges & to forgive others, but what is the ultimate key in NOT becoming bitter? Thanks for the replies.




  1. Eat a lot of honey .

  2. The first things that come to mind are: keeping in mind that holding bitterness in your heart will do you great harm, and realizing that your fate is primarily in your own hands; blaming others is a waste of the energy that you should use to prove that they can't keep you down.  

  3. I am 38.  You are much more wise than I was at your age.  

    The ultimate key in NOT becoming bitter is a personal decision, as you have made - not to be held back by other people and their poor decisions.  

    In life, there are those people who everyone loves to be around.  Even if something bad happens, they can laugh and LEARN, another key.  But other people are always gloomy, depressed and angry - the have one-sided friendships and it's always about THEM.  

    Keep your good attitude, save some money for a rainy day and make good friends.  


  4. Figure out what you need to do to turn your life in a positive direction and don't look back until you are safely in your new comfort zone.  

  5. i think they are no key to bitterness we are only mortals even if ppl forgive others they still remember the hurt from it to tell some1 ur sorry is a sign as saying oh it dont matter or do it again i like to repeat myself telling every1 that i forgive them

  6. sugar lots of sugar

  7. Realizing that when we become bitter and hold grudges, we tie up part of our present-moment energy in keeping the memories of those past events alive in our minds.  That energy is then unavailable to us to use to fully experience our present.  That decreases our aliveness.  It is we ourselves who suffer most from our resentments.

  8. Eastern cultures practice meditation, which is kind of like a cleansing of the mind of unwanted thoughts or feelings which may be destructive.  There's another way you can free yourself from such destructive feelings of bitterness, which really stems from perceived unmet needs of justice.  Consider a world where you are the only human, so that anything that happens to you is simply a consequence of nature in action.  Do you feel wronged and bitter when things go wrong, such as rain, poison ivy, being bitten by insects or small animals, or rocks and branches falling on you?  Normally, you wouldn't, since you don't personify things in the wild.  We harbor much stronger feelings of being wronged when it's other humans that have done such things to us, and that is the root of our lingering unresolved bitterness.  What to do?  Practice looking at ALL of the world as just the natural world--humans do what they do because they're just being humans, just like wolves are being wolves, scorpions are being scopions, and insects being what they are.  After a while, you can learn to distance yourself from the strong feelings that you're actually programmed to feel by the actions of other humans. You will feel better, and function better as well.  

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