
What is the key to playing on a 3.5 alto sax reed?!!?

by  |  earlier

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i cant get used to it. it takes a lot of air support and the notes sound fuzzy and not in tune. what am i doing wrong. my teacher says i have to play on it for my own good. is there a way to get better on it because eventually ill have to go to a 4?!!




  1. The harder the reed the more practice is required for stamina.. I know guys who play on a 4

  2. You really need to talk to your teacher, or even better, get a new one. This is the most awful advice I've ever heard of a teacher giving. Playing on a harder reed is of no benefit if your tone and pitch are going out the window. Go down a size and if your teacher doesn't like it, get a new teacher. There is no reason to play on a hard reed, especially as your mouthpiece may not assist in vibrating a hard reed. Reed strength has nothing to do with how good of a player you are. Reed strength is made to match the facing (space between the reed tip and mouthpiece tip) of the mouthpiece. A large facing will allow a softer reed to vibrate better, and a hard reed will not work well if at all. A small facing will allow a hard reed to vibrate, and if you go to soft, it won't work well or at all. You've been asking questions like this for a while, I think it is time to get the hint and stop trying to use harder reeds and talk to your teacher about the really bad advice.

  3. Keep playing, and play LOUD.  You're building an embrochure.  It's kind of like lifting weights, it's not supposed to be easy.

    When you actually have to do a concert or parade or something, drop down to a 2 1/2 or 2 reed.  It will feel good and sound great.

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