
What is the kind of sugar commonly used for native delicacies?

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What is the kind of sugar commonly used for native delicacies?




  1. jaggery or brown sugar. sometimes gud(hindi word)

  2. native from where? here in Malaysia traditional sweeteners are palm sugar (gula Melaka, gula apong) and honey...

  3. It depends what country, province or town you mean.

    In the Philippines, native delicacies in sugar cane producing provinces and towns use raw sugar, unrefined and unprocessed and straight from the vat where sugar cane juice is reduced to thick syrup by boiling.

    The more refined sweets, like custards and leavened rice cakes, use white sugar.

  4. here in the philippines, refined cane sugar is the sweetener commonly used for native delicacies, sometimes washed sugar(slightly brown sugar) is used. raw sugar is not used in big quantity because it tends to make the food taste a little sour. a new type of cane sugar is being introduced as a sweetener, its muscovado sugar, they say its healthier because the molasses is still in it.

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