
What is the ku kux klan?

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what is the ku kux klan




  1. Holly has some excellent background. The "Klan" was also very predominate in politics on the early twentieth century with high level members holding public offices. Prior to and during the civil rights movement these groups began to become more violent and were deemed as subversive groups, thereby imposing strict surveillance and monitoring that eventually led to further prosecutions. Their numbers have dwindled significantly within the past few decades and members are still being held accountable today for hate crimes committed in the 60's and 70's. The history channel has an outstanding series on the subject. With the information you have here you should be well on your way to further independent study.

  2. The Ku Klux Klan originated right after the Civil War in America. It was the brain child of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a general in the Confederate Army and a strong believer in the superiority of white people. It was at first a gentlemanly endeavor to mitigate the problems of the South after the War - but soon became associated with white terrorism, and even became a force in Southern politics in the 1930's. Today the Ku Klux Klan is a type of American neo-n**i group with special rituals, burning crosses and the same funny costumes they've always worn. Although making more noise than ever, their ranks are dwindling.

  3. where are you from

  4. They are some really evil people that dint like some people because of the color of their skin.

  5. They are a white supremacy group known for different hate crimes.

  6. It is Ku Klux Klan,  They are or were  groups of white supremists.  If you google iether KKK or Ku Klux Klan, you will find all sorts of  info on them.  Personally I think they are just a waste of .....

  7. Racist scum.

    -Although i have to admit,those white hats they wear are kinda cool

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