
What is the labeling all about? YAY i am g*y?

by  |  earlier

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If your g*y, L*****n, or bi keep it to yourself and enjoy what u do, don't just go around saying you're bi... is this what people have fought for hundred of years ago?




  1. It's "in" to be against labels but in actuality, there is no escape from labels. Every single word you use is a label. Without labels, there would be no words, only hand gestures and grunts, which would be another form of labels.

    The problem isn't the "labels" as most people today like to believe. The problem is in who is using the labels incorrectly.

    Let the thumbs downs roll!

  2. Uh, I've never met a g*y person who went around saying, "Yay I'm g*y! Yay I'm g*y!" Or anything to that affect.

  3. why bother reading the question or even going to the effort of posting another if it bothers you so? ppl are allowed to be happy and excited about their sexuality. I personally am g*y and i walk around comfortably with my head high when i walk down the street holding my girlfriends hand or cuddling her. I don't shout it from roof tops but whatever floats peoples boats i guess lol

  4. Letting people know that you are g*y is just like letting them know you are afraid of clowns, or hate shellfish, or anything else that is a major factor for you.  It stops people around you from assuming general things and making inappropriate comments or arrangements.  If you hide your sexuality, then a friend who tries to set you up with someone of the wrong gender feels like an idiot - so just be honest with them.  Would you want to talk about your favorite pork recipe to a friend only to find out later that they are Jewish?  No, you would feel like a moron, wouldn't you?  So let people know, because it is very basic to understanding you as a person - people start by assuming people's sexuality, but we all modify our communications to suit the person we are talking to - hide who you are and people feel that you are hiding other things or playing them for fools.  Secrets are like moats, people you like will fall in and get hurt when they try to get closer to you.

  5. Put it this way, you're too mean and stupid to understand the question you're asking, or to ask it coherently.  Perhaps if you could get that down....Nah, you'll never get it.  If I were you I'd kill myself.

  6. I hate people who say they don't have anything wrong with you being g*y - so long as you don't do anything near them. This is on the same plane as that.  

  7. I wish I knew, labelling is a pet hate of mine, its not needed

    it makes no difference to me if someone is g*y,L*****n,bi or transgendered, I don't care, that is a persons personal thing

    its might be a little different for myself being a tranny as I suppose, the fact I'm in female attire is a kind of label,lol

  8. Have to agree with David S be is so right he couldn't of put it better <3

  9. OK, sure, and if straight people won't...

    ...wear their wedding bands in plain view...

    ...or talk about their spouses...

    ...or talk about their children...

    ...or have their Miss [whatever state], Miss America and Miss Universe pageants...

    ...or have their very hetero TV shows...

    ...etc., etc., etc.

    ...then I think we can make a deal.

  10. Because their sexuality is so invading your rights, and what 'people' that faught are you talking about? If you're in the US, I imagine you're talking about the war that claimed...Oh! Our independence to do whatever the h**l we feel like!

    Stay in school, you need to review history a bit more..and English.

  11. Get used to it Charlotte.

    It's better to be proud than to be depressed and hide it.

    Go back under your bridge.

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