
What is the language in Ireland?

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What is the language in Ireland?




  1. the irish has a language of its own

    I should know.

    You need to be a pure bred to understand it?

    English language will help you if you go there.

    you will love it.

  2. irish.

    chuaigh me go dti on siopa agus cheannaigh me an milsean

    i went to the shop and bought sweets

    an bhuil cead agum go dti an leithreas

    can i go to the toilet please

  3. mainly english although a few ppl speak gaelic (g*y-l**k...pleas dont laugh if ur not irish) gaelic is basicly dead....

  4. English is the main spoken language expect for gaeltacht ares where they speak Irish.the majority of the country can speak cupla focal in Irish

  5. English.

    Cursing (bad language).

    Irish (gaelic).

    If you can manage one of these, you'll get by just fine. Also note, a lot of Irish people curse without realising it, so they aren't necessarily trying to insult you, it's just the way they talk...

  6. English with and Irish accent.  There is also gaelic.

  7. Primarily English (by a LONG shot), with Irish Gaelic being spoken in very specific parts (west coast of the island).  Great question!

  8. our native language is Irish Gaelic but we speak English

  9. Currently English. Irish Gaelic is becoming a dead language

  10. We call gaelic Gaeilge but I'm from the west so it differs in different parts of the country.

  11. in dublin its Russian Chinese Romanian polish spanish and a few speak english and less irish

  12. Irish English !

  13. Gaelic (g*y-l**k)

  14. their national language is irish.

    for more on the irish language...

  15. English as far as I know, with a distinctive Irish accent.

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