
What is the largest environmental problem we have right now?

by Guest67045  |  earlier

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What is the largest environmental problem we have right now?




  1. keeping warm

  2. the one thee only


  3. Oil dependence... An economic, political, environmental problem with a simple scientific solution that nobody will accept until it's too late.

  4. I think it's global warming (pollution going in the air.)

  5. global warming and deforestation

  6. global warming. (which includes the abuse of oil and pollution)

  7. Scale of environmental problem is quite relative to persons facing that, geography, economy and culture.

    To some people even biggest environmental problem could be even not be a problem. To people dying from hunger environment is a lurxury, people who do not have access to water, water pollution has no question.

    Moreover, Largest problem in what sense, in scale that how much population is suffering from it or largest in the sense that how seriously it is affecting.

    However, i will rate indiscrimination in resource distribution becuase it is leading to poorer becoming pooorest and richer becoming richest, conflicts, wars for resources, resulting in more conflicts, poverty, resources which needs to be used for health education and food are used to protect borders etc.

  8. Too many people consuming too much and polluting too much.  

    Scientists say that by 2020, the population of the earth will have doubled.  We barely have enough resources to support the people on earth already.  Due to the mass amount of people and consumption, it's causing loss of habitats and ecosystems, also due to global warming (again, because of us).  By 2050, it's predicted that 50% of the species on earth will be extinct.  Therefore with the lack of plant and animal life and destructions of whole ecosystems, we will not have enough food to feed everyone, and most likely humans themselves will be considered an endangered species.

  9. I think the biggest problem the Environment got right now is called Humanity

  10. Lack of real understanding of the environment around us, confusion placed upon the general population by those extremist views of the environment from both sides.

  11. the answer is very simple...OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    when was the last time you found a government building with recycling bins? they murder more trees &v waste more paper than the entire private sector (in my humble opinion of course).


  12. I think that it is not global warming, but that is third to (first) population growth of humans and (second) pollution, like scid rain.  That, in my opinion, does more damage than making the earth a little warmer and raising sea levels.I'm tired of winter--i could use a little warming right now!

  13. idk. not global warming. thats just a load of s- c**p.

  14. Mercury ,,,,,,,,,,,

    I just wanted to add why I said this,,,,,I don't see the pollution

    like people see in a big city,,,,say china,,,,I hear you can cut the air with a knife,,,,,,,,

    But every where around me I can not eat barley any fish

    in any lake,stream,pond,,,,because everything has mercury

    in it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,very sad,,,,

    The real answer is probably  CO2

  15. People living on the face of the earth.

    Get rid of the people an then there won't be any environmental problems.

  16. of course global warming but also the way oil is being wasted. because with it being wasted not only is it bad for the environment but also for our wallets

  17. combustion.

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