
What is the largest flightless bird not in Africa?

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What is the largest flightless bird not in Africa?




  1. The emu or the cassowary

  2. Going by memory, it should be either the emu or the cassowary.  Both are from Australia.

  3. ...emu?  why?  10pts?

  4. Dodo bird ? extinct at 17th centuries

  5. Cassowary

    Cassowaries (genus Casuarius) are very large flightless birds native to the tropical forests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia. The Southern Cassowary is the second largest flightless bird on the planet, second only to the ostrich. Cassowaries feed mainly on fruits, though all species are truly omnivorous and will take a range of other plant food including shoots,grass seeds and fungi in addition to invertebrates and small vertebrates. Cassowaries are very shy, but when disturbed, they are capable of inflicting fatal injuries to an adult human.

  6. The emu. The emu is larger than the cassowary.

    Here is a quote from the New South Wales Government Environment site.

    What do emus look like?

    The word emu comes from the Portuguese word 'ema', which means 'large bird'. Standing up to 2 m tall, adult male emus are Australia's largest birds. In size, they are second only to ostriches in the world.

    I have seen many emus in the wild and zoos and also the Southern Cassowary which is definitely smaller. We also have ostrich farms in Australia so have seen all three bird species.

    From Queensland Government Environmental Agency:

    "In Australia, the cassowary lives in far north Queensland’s tropical rainforests, melaleuca swamps and mangrove forests.

    Did you know?

    The cassowary is Australia’s heaviest flightless bird but the emu is taller. "

    The Cassowary is the largest rainforest bird in Australia while the taller emu lives in more savannah type countryside.

    To the dodo fan. The dodo was nowhere near the size of any of these birds.

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