
What is the largest number?

by  |  earlier

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you know like million billion trillion........




  1. Infinity.  There is no upper limit to numbers.

    The largest one named is the Googolplex, I think.  That's 10 to the 10th to the 100th power.  (10^(10^100)).


    Actually, I just looked it up (on Wikipedia, so take this with a grain of salt), and the largest finite number is called Graham's Number.  I seriously do not understand how it would be possible to write it.  You'll just have to look for yourself.

  2. infinity to the power of infinity

  3. Numbers go to infinity, there is no largest one.

    The largest one with a name, as far as I know, is a googolplex.  Which is 10 to the googolth power.  A googol is one and 100 zeroes.

  4. The "googolplex" has 1,000 zeros in it.

    Check out this site:

  5. "centillion"..?

  6. there is no largest number because numbers go on forever. I mean there are an unlimited amount of numbers between 1 and 2(not whole numbers decimals)  you could have 2 family generations counting for their whole lives and still not be done.

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