
What is the last trick you did on a skateboard?

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What is the last trick you did on a skateboard?




  1. The latest trick I did was an Ollie into a manual not stationary.

  2. nollie tre

  3. I suck at boarding but probally a nose manual on a cliff i bailed IT HURT (it was like 2 feet of ground and i fell off cliff) but it was a 15 sec manual

  4. the last trick i did before i came inside yesterday was a fronside flip

  5. ok, the guy above me..


    u can have a switch fakie pop shuvit, its called "nollie" u artard!

    and the last trick i did was a frontside flip, right after i did a fakie tre, it was a line.

  6. its was either a:

    pop shuvit or

    fakie pop shuvit or

    switch pop shuvit or

    switch fakie pop shuvit

    from last session...

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