
What is the latest news about us visa retrogression?

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What is the latest news about us visa retrogression?




  1. Visa application had been used by the rich countries to generate more income by imposing expensive fees and at the same time discouraging the poor people from filing their applications.

  2. Obviously, neither of the 2 previous responders have any idea what you're talking about. Are you talking about the priority date for any particular visa class or in general? Chances are fair that unless Congress decides to increase the quotas that the priority dates for several visa classes will retorgress or go backwards. The priority dates are set primarily based  on suppply and demand, but the supply is fixed and demand continues to increase. I don't think you'll see any increase in the quotas before the elections next Fall and maybe not for some time.

  3. Not sure what "retrogression" means, but if it's "reciprocity," it's a practice among different countries- if one country charges for a type of visa, the other country does the same.

    The USA charges for processing immigrant visas, but generally not for tourist visas.

    Not sure if this is what you were asking about.

  4. Visa retrogression refers to wait-listing for visa slots which have been oversubscribed.

    Despite the fact that much immigration reform legislation remains outstanding, Last year there were some very positive developments on the part of United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) . Moves to restructure USCIS methods resulted in reduced processing times for initial adjudication of applications. Premium processing options with USCIS has created an additional time saver.  Overall, there is now a potential to reduce the overall processing time by (not to) 3-4 months.


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