
What is the latest on curtis warren in jersey?

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What is the latest on curtis warren in jersey?




  1. I dont know who you mean, sorry.

  2. dont know whats going on in court,but they havnt put anything at all in the jersey evening post,which is very strange.

    the jersey police bugged warrens car while he was in holland, but the were told that the law in holland did not allow bugging in a car, but could only use a tracking device.

    the jersey police said, we can do what we want.

    the world outside of jersey,probably doesnt know just how corrupt and bent the jersey police are.

    they will stitch you up, and plant evidence on you, and if you are unfortunate enough to end up in the royal court of jersey,then you can kiss your *** goodbuy, cause they will have you guilty before you get to court.

    jerseys justice system, is the most unjust system that i know of,and ive been to some bad countries.

    you can abuse children if your a member of the jersey goverment, and it will just get covered up by the rest of the goverment, as im sure you all have read the news papers and read about the childrens home.

    also, jerseys human rights is a joke,there isnt one as far as i can see.

  3. who? what?

    (hehe thumbs down me, but at least I got 2 points out of it)

  4. In 2007 Warren was released early from his Dutch prison after winning a court appeal.

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