
What is the latest ....?

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news in upside down land today?

How many roos have been made into shoes?

How many koala bears have excaped...? and the rest>????

Im keeping a log upto date stats are essential?

Hq needs to know.

mercy bow coupe !




  1. missed our chance with the roos and the koalas were sleeping in the trees again when a huge pile of drop bears came out a no where....took em all i tell ya.. it was a sad day i tell you what mate...ANZAC day it will be a good one HQ

  2. if your going to be insulting at least know what your jabbering about

    a koala is NOT a bear

  3. you hitting the catnip again?

  4. Well Today the Olympic Torch relay was held in Canberra..Tomorrow is the 25th March,which is our Anzac day so a public holiday for all us Aussies...

    And last but not least---it's getting bloody cold down here in melbourne.....

  5. I must apologise for my fellow answerer, above, tomorrow is 25th of APRIL and is known as Anzac Day.

    (He may be a little tired and emotional or something I don't know.)

    No, roo shoes today, but those darn koalas are creating havoc yet again.

    They are such party animals busy all day and half the night.

    Good to see HQ is still on top of all the action down here in upside down land. Over and out.

  6. All the roos have escaped and when last seen were heading in the direction of Pommyland in  BMW coupes.  Who knows why, the Poms will probably turn them into black puddings.  

    However the koalas haven't moved.  They don't do a lot of moving.  Dozy little buqqers most of the time, they only get upset when the supply of Cascade or Coopers starts to dry up and they have to drink Fosters.  That of course would annoy anyone, having to drink Fosters.  Except of course chavs and bogans who don't know any better.

  7. hi,

    koala bear had a berocca and is slowly on the move.

    The  salt crocs arn't happy. It's been raining and you know how they hate it when they get fresh water on them.  Everyone best keep all their body parts in the tourist boats, they are angry little suckers.

    The rooshooer will be busy tomorrow.  Not only does he have to get up and shoo the kangaroos away from the sydney harbour bridge, he has to shoo them away from the march area.  Never mind he said double time and a half pay. Most people get the day off but he is considered "an essential service"  Only in Australia.

  8. Just the usual.

    We lost 173 dumb Americans,285 Poms and 17 Kiwis as well.  Talk about a good day!!!!

  9. Big day today.  

    3 kangaroos were made into shoes for David Beckham.  

    No koalas escaped today but 1 did fall out of the tree in my backyard.  Just missed being impaled on the hills hoist by inches.

    Will try to keep you updated.

  10. this is a werd  question...

  11. How many roos? No can do. That is top secret. Only ASIO knows. National Security and all that. mate. Hope you understand.

    Koala escaped? NONE. They don't need to escape anything. They are very busy getting ready for the possum party. Very busy preening their fur. Dropbears are NOT happy. Not enough American tourist came in today so they are a tad hungry.

    Need to keep a log? I got some at the back fence. How many do you want? Red gum log or pine?


    snowpea, I LOVE your answer. Grouse , mate.

  12. WTF???????

    must be some good drugs were you come from!!!!!!!

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