
What is the latest story on kelly tilghman's remarks about tiger woods.?

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What is the latest story on kelly tilghman's remarks about tiger woods.?




  1. The 'do not cross line' of political and racial correctness is dynamic and invisible to most of us unless someone else accidentally or purposely crosses it.  The normal buzz comes to a halt and people want to replay over and over what  they thought they just heard.  This is when most of the damage is done...the aftermath.  It's not like Kelly Tilghman did this on purpose and it was a hate crime.  Zero tolerance is for racial slurs, injustice, and violating human civil rights.  Kelly realized her mistake, apologized to Tiger woods and her viewers.  Should we fire her or run her out of the county?  Maybe we can throw her in jail for a few weeks?  Human is to error but  being human is to forgive.

  2. I'm not sure exactly.  Tiger Woods said that a "calendar" grand slam is within reason based on how he has been playing.  Within reason is the important phrase.  For him, based on how he has been playing and where the grand slam events take place this year, it is within reason.  How many green jackets does he have?  Four.  How many times has he won the Buick Invitational?  At least 4.  He's played well at Royal Birkdale.  Oakmont is the only one in question.  That is why he said what he said.  As far as I know, she didn't say anything opposing what he said.  I haven't watched since Sunday though, so I may have missed something.

    I wanted to add that I read about Kelly's remarks.  She said that young golfers should lynch Tiger Woods in a back alley.  I read the Roy S Johnson's blog on Yahoo Golf's home page.  If you watched the Golf Channel you've seen all the announcers be nothing but all on Tiger's jock, Ms. Tilghman included.  I don't believe she meant the statement the way it was said.  She definitely didn't need to stay on the air though.  That makes the golf channel appear that they condone their announcers making such insensitive statements.  It will be interesting to see if she is on the air during the Sony Open.  She needs therapy.

  3. Michelle............... you couldn't have said it better, I totally agree!

    What Kelley did was wrong! She is an intelligent woman who should of known better, but the Golf Channel is the real culprit here. They handled this situation by reacting instead of acting. She said this on Friday but the GC does nothing until Sharpton comes in the picture and gives her 2 weeks off (with or without pay?) They should of acted immediatley and if they decide to fire her they will be once again only reacting to the pressures of there own media and Al Sharpton.

  4. The latest story is that people got offended and want her fired.  Maybe I'll become a journalist and say lowrider, maybe I'll get labeled racist for that too.

  5. What was Kelly's remark about Tiger? Verbatim please.

  6. You have got to be kidding me!  I can't believe that some of you are here downplaying her comment!  For her to use the most heinous crime committed in this nation to illustrate God-knows-what point is just unconscionable.  That was a racist statement and she should be fired...bottom line!  It doesn't surprise me though...racisim in America is live and well...people have just learned to hide it better.

  7. He said something to the effect that he could win the grand slam this year.   As usual the press has taken it and is trying to make a small remark into a big thing.

  8. She stated Tiger Woods should be lynched in a back alley by young golfers. hmmn . Bad choice of words. The lynch word not good. Maybe she meant something else???

  9. It would appear Golf Channel is trying to have it be no story at all - no mention of it on their website.  Probably should be no story as you have to really take what she said out of context to make it controversial.  But others (Fuzzy) have suffered greatly for making a joke about the "untouchable" tiger.

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