
What is the latest unique item in technology industry?

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Something that has never existed before and it is on the market.

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  1. Your in the Camcorder section, so I'll talk about a camcorder.

    It's called RED Scarlet.

    Pretty revolutionary in it's own right. Why? Cuz no other pocket sized camera (or any size for that matter) could shoot 3K resolution for $3K. 3K is about 3 times the resolution of HD at it's highest res, or 1920x1080. It' called Ultra high definition. Sony, Panasonic, Arri, Canon, JVC or Panavision never even crack 2K. (Even Sony's premiere camera, the F35 only shoots 1920x1080 HD (little less than 2K) and it costs like $250,000.

    All that in a pocket sized camera for less than 3 grand. How is this possible? Well, Red utilizes an entirely new video codec, called Redcode, that shoots in RAW, a feature common in many DSLRs and pioneered by Red in motion picture cameras. Red fashioned a Bayer Pattern CMOS sensor, called Mysterium X that uses a complex algorithm to squeeze in an enormous amount of pixels to make it higher resolution than ever tnought possible, without creating excessive heat, and without the need for pixel shifting (cheating to get to the full resolution..cough cough HVX200).

    It may be super hard to understand, but lets just say that Scarlet is a camera that could easily go for a quarter to a half a million $$$ if it were made by Sony.

    So, with the emergence of the Red Scarlet, mainstream consumers can have access to tools worthy of big screen quality footage.  

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