
What is the latitude and longitude of santa maria, ca

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What is the latitude and longitude of santa maria, ca




  1. Latitude: 34.920891

    Longitude: -120.435926

    Elevation 212 Ft above sea level

    Average climate, Mild

    Distance from beach 10mi

    Terrain, Valley along the central coast

    conveinently between San Francisco and Los Angeles.  

    Santa Maria was founded at the corner of Broadway and Main Hwy 135 and 166 West.  It was founded in 1870 when Fesler, Miller, Thornburg and Cook (four neighboring land owners and farmers) decided to allow a settlement at the point where their properties met. In 1905 Santa Maria became incorporated.  business in the area back then was oil and agriculture.  Now business is primarily agriculture, aerospace and services.  Santa Maria is a bedroom community for commuters that work in Santa Barbara.  Santa Maria is more affordable.    

  2. 34°55' latitude

    120°26  longitude

  3. Latitude:  34.920891

    Longitude:  -120.435926

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