
What is the law at a four way stop.(No traffic signal)?

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What is the law at a four way stop.(No traffic signal)?




  1. For driving on the left-give way to your right, & vice versa, also stop signs take precedence here.  if no signs and all arive at same time, all stop and then allow 1 opposite pair to go thru', then the others.  Co-operation is required, not demands.

  2. If you mean stop signs then yield(let them go first) to the person on the right or the person who gets there first is the biggest rule

  3. The law is STOP. Proceed in order of who arrived first. If two or more cars arrive at the same time, the driver on your right has the right-of way. If you are right of someone else, you have the right-of way. If two end up face to face, it doesn't matter unless someone wants to turn, then the other driver has right-of way.

  4. The rules for a four-way stop are like those for a two-way: Stop and look for oncoming traffic, and proceed when it is safe to do so.

    You may occasionally arrive at a four-way stop sign at the same time as another driver. In such cases the driver to the right has the right of way. However, not all drivers know this. If someone to your left decides to go first, let them!

  5. It depends on the laws in the state you are driving in. In NJ you must yield to the car on your right, but this sets up a catch 22 so nobody has the right of way. You will find no 4-way stop intersection in NJ. So one person has the right of way depending on who is the one w/o a STOP sign. The same goes for when the RED lights are flashing, one will be flashing YELLOW this person has the right of way after a full stop.

  6. Yield to your right first but make eye contact and decide for yourselves who goes when.

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