
What is the law for driving past an accident?

by  |  earlier

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In this scenario, I was neck and neck with another car about to cross an intersection when a truck pulls out of the turning lane from the other side to cross in front of us. we both had to slam on the brakes so we wouldn't hit the truck. the car to the right of me gets rear ended and is sent flying around to the right. I kept going because I didn't want to get hit as well. Did I do anything illegal? I figured there were a lot of other witnesses who saw what happened better than I did and could assist the drivers. I didn't want to get in the way of the police or block any more traffic and get hit as well.




  1. if you were not directly involved in the accident , there is nothing they can do to you . you SHOULD HAVE gone back to see if everyone was ok.. and to let the cops know what DID happen.  you may have been able to help someone who needed it and saved someone else from a nasty ticket or being sued because there were no good witnesses--and you were there.. what if it was you ??? wouldn't  you have wanted or appreciated the help.. ???  one day you'll need it and you'll  wish someone would stop for you ..  in europe, they fine and or jail you for not helping.. maybe we need that here .. insted of a bunch of rubbernecking idiots ... good luck

  2. You feel bad huh? I once saw a woman get hit by a car and I never stopped. It haunts me to this day. I don't know whether she lived or died.

    I think legally you have to stop and render assistance. Not much you can do about it now though.

  3. I would of stuck around in the case of someone getting my plate number and saying I did something i didn't do, And told the Police what I seen.

  4. You said the magic word "Witnesses" so I guess you will have to wait and see what or who comes to visit you.

    You should have stopped to help out the situation.

  5. Not sure what the law would have to say about leaving the scene if you are not directly involved. I would have stayed just in case the police wanted a statement and to clear myself in case another witness misinterpreted my actions. If someone thought you were involved in some way and you left, it might not look good in court. Best to hang around until all these issues are cleared up.

    As for helping out in an accident, I normally would not. I am not qualified medically but I wouldn't leave another motorist to burn to death in their car either. I might assist in directing traffic until the authorities showed up. After qualified personnel show up I would get out of their way unless specifically asked to do otherwise.

  6. As long as you are not physically involved in the accident, you are not required by law to stop.

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