
What is the law regarding a pay and display parking ticket?

by  |  earlier

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I have been issued with a parking ticket because my pay and display ticket was curly when i displayed it and it had evidently blown upside down when i left the car.




  1. send or take a copy of the pay and display parking ticket in with your parking ticket & a letter explaining it, times & dates will match so you will not have to pay the fine

  2. Do you still have the ticket?   You can try appealing (and quickly, before the charge goes up) and send them a copy of the ticket and explain what you've explained here. I don't think you'll have much luck, though, as you are required to display the ticket so that it can be read by the attendant; failure to do so is what gets you the penalty.

  3. You are under an implied obligation when you enter the car park to abide by the rules. The rules state a ticket must be displayed in a certain manner. So technicaly you are in the wrong.

    However I would send the ticket together with a covering letter to whoever issued the ticket without further delay.

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