
What is the least messy and least dusty bedding acceptable for hamsters? ?

by  |  earlier

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One of family members is allergic to dust, hence my question.

Thank you.




  1. dat stupid girl is wrong don't use pine or cedar this is why.

    If you don't already know, you should never use Pine or Cedar bedding for your pet hamster. Cedar bedding is a rough material that can cause splintering, chapped feet and is almost impossible to correctly digest. Worse yet, cedar reacts to urine, causing toxic fumes called phenols to be released as long as it is in contact with the ammonia. While pine may be a bit softer on a hamster's feet, it often goes through a curing process that leaves dangerous chemicals on the product. Unfortunately there are not usually warning labels on these two types of bedding, potentially leading many new hamster owners to believe they are safe for their pets, but this is not the case. Rather than pine or cedar bedding consider the following alternative.

    The following alternative would be Aspen dat good for hamsters

  2. My daughter and I are both allergic to dust too.  We use Carefresh bedding.  There is no dust at all and it soaks up the urine really well..less smell!!

  3. I would reccommend Eco-Bedding and CareFRESH.

  4. Im not sure what the name of it is, but its kinda a pellty thing that comes in numerous colours. You can buy it at Pet Land!

  5. This is a good pairing because hamsters have sensitive respiratory systems too. This is why you shouldn't use just any old bedding. Wood chips of any kind are best avoided. They can be very dangerous for them. Get some carefresh. Also, if you want something that's going to be clean, you need to look into cages. You want one with quite a high base to it as they can kick them out.

  6. Carefresh!  Best for your hamster too.... More pricey than the rest but well worth it

  7. We always used natural pine chips, but there are many types of bedding out there. Cedar chips are good, too, I agree. There is no dust with using chips...I'm not sure why you'd use dust...that's for chinchilla's, not hampsters.

  8. You must definitely avoid pine & cedar shavings for hamster bedding - they contain compounds that can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and liver changes.  I use - and my hammies LOVE - aspen or hemp bedding.  They can burrow and push it around easily, and it's really soft and absorbant.  I also recommend plain unscented toilet paper for nesting material - just tear off several sheets and watch them tear into it, pulling it into their sleeping space and making ....a nest!  And there's NO dust ... unless you're using kitty litter!!!

  9. We always used cedar chips used for bedding for hammys......they sell it at most pets stores I dont remember it beig dusty

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