
What is the left side of an aircraft or ship called?

by  |  earlier

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i know the the RIGHT side is the starboard, but i have no idea what the left side is called.




  1. Port

  2. 9:00 O' Clock

  3. Starboard nav light on right side nav light on left.

    "PORT wine is  RED & there's none LEFT.

  4. Early powered boats had a steering board which was affixed to the right side of the vessel.  To keep from damaging the steering board, they always tied up with the left side of the boat to the dock.  

    Over the years, the steering board side evolved to "starboard" and the left side was where you found the dock of the "port" where you were moored.

    See you on the water....

  5. Left=Port     Right=Starboard

    To remeber both port and left have 4 letters

    Also, for night time signal lights on a vessel red=port.

    Again to remeber - port wine is red

  6. Port = left    

    Starboard = right

    Bow = front  ( pronounced bow as in to bow down - not bow like tie a bow in your hair)

    Stern = rear

  7. Port.

    Do this to remember: hold up your hands, make two fists, turn them toward each other. Which one makes a P for Port?

  8. The right side is starboard, the left side is port

    There is an incredibly easy way to remember which is which and that is the long words are on the right and the short words are one the left...

    Right / Starboard / Green

    Left / Port / Red

    I personally have found that novices find that a lot easier than trying to remember some non-sensical sentence when they're at the helm and everyone else on board is occupied in the anchoring dance (getting sails down and furled, lowering the anchor, picking up the mooring pennant, etc etc, ad nauseum) and yelling at them which way to turn the wheel.    For a memory trick to work under pressure it must be cave man simple and this one seems to do the trick.  

    I've heard that threats help too... there's the old joke about a captain giving a new seamen on board h**l about using proper nautical terms....'the ceiling up there is called 'the overhead, the floor under you is called a 'deck', that wall over there is a bulkhead and the toilet is called a 'head'., and if I ever hear you using non-nautical terms again, I'm gonna shove you through one of those little round windows.'

    good luck,

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