
What is the legal age that allows me to move to the UK?

by  |  earlier

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This is an odd one. I'm 17, I own a British and an Australian passport. I live overseas however, away from Australia.

I wish to move to the UK shortly and need to know if my parents will be able to force through legal recourse to 'bring me home'. The vindictive b*****d will do such if it is possible.

Please, spare the advice and the warnings about leaving home at such a 'tender' age and help me out with this question. Not trying to be rude, I'm merely set in my ways here. Really like it answered but I'm not able to find something similar circulating the 'net forums at the moment.

Any help or information is much appreciated. Cheers




  1. Ok, I googled it.The legal age in UK is 16 as long as you have a way of transportation. And if your 18, well it doesn't matter, you can do whatever. Just get straight there. The airlines will be fine. You can fly by yourself starting at age 15. But think about what you are doing. You have to do everything for yourself, raising your own money, doing your own laundry, ect. ect. the list goes on for miles. Then you have to figure out how to prove residency there if that's what you plan to do. And I'd talk to your parents. Think how they will feel if you leave. Anyways, I'm 17 also. Not a parent or anything. Hope I helped.

    I have a question to. :)

  2. I believe you are still classified as a minor at the age of 17 therefor you parents have the last say. Will you be 18 soon?

  3. it differs in each country.  

    for example i live in the US, and the legal 'adult' age here is 18.

    i also want to move to the UK and go to college, so when i turn 18 i and my bestfriend are moving.

    you'll have to find out the legal 'adult' age where ever you live.

    most likely you'll be able to at 17.

    but i would check just to be sure.  

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