
What is the legal age to buy a breathalyzer test?

by  |  earlier

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I am just curious...There may be a time when I might need it..So I will know when its SAFE to drive (0.0 BAC) if I'm out partying and what not.

I currently cannot find any real answers on google.

Ugh and please don't go on about drinking under the legal age is this and that and blah blah blah. I want REAL and HELPFUL answers please!




  1. If you are asking what the age limit is to buy a breathalyzer device, there isn't one... you can buy one at any age.  If you buy one locally the clerks might look at you strange when you buy one, but there is no laws against purchasing/owning the device underage.

  2. To my knowledge, there is no legal minimum age requirement on the purchase of a breathalyser.

    Bear in mind that many commercial machines are intended for indicative purposes only, and may not be as accurate as the devices used by the police - so don't rely on them too heavily.

  3. 1. you obviously know the consequences of under age drinking

    2. there is actually no age to buy the device

    3. there is nothing a clerk can do to stop you from buying it.

  4. there's no age limit, however they're pretty expense if you really don't need it. which being underage you dont need it b/c if you get fucked by the police obviously it doesn't matter how much you drank. but if you want one for the future it's probably a good investment. (i wanted one just to play around with but saw the price and was like-no)

  5. its actually 0.01

    and there isnt a legal age i think if they think your drunk they

    ask you to take one

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