
What is the legal age to not wear a helmet when riding a bike? do you wear a helmet?

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and how old are you if you dont ?




  1. I wear a helmet every ride- even down the street to the store or the 2 miles to work.  My kids wear their helmet every single ride.

    For me it's not about getting hit by a car-- it's about all the stupid little things that can happen to cause you to fall over (swerving to avoid rocks/debris/people, not paying attention, bike failure, etc ).  I've seen a number of riders in my hometown (some of them have been riding for 20 or 30 years) involved in wrecks that would have caused serious if not fatal injury had they not been wearing a helmet.

    Plus, helmets are cool

  2. in Massachusetts, all riders under 16 are required to wear helmets. at 17 you are allowed to be stupid. I'm 37 and have religiously worn my helmet since one saved my life 24 years ago! if kids think helmets are uncool today, they never had the fun of the "Spaceballs" look! anyway, my helmet was ripped from my head in a high-speed impact. yes, I said ripped from my head. I doubt my skull would have been as effective in protecting my grey-matter. two years later, my best friend was killed in a cycling accident. the difference? he had no helmet on! my kids have worn helmets since they've been on trikes! my 9 year-old learned today why, as she endo'd off her brand new Gary Fisher! she's in better shape than the bike, which needs new chainrings! why? because she was wearing a brand new helmet, PROUDLY purchased with her own money!

    even if you aren't killed, you can become physically incapable of riding your bike! brain injury can cause paralysis, loss of equilibrium, and a host of debilitating problems. do you really want to risk losing the freedom of riding on two wheels?!

    can you sustain great enough injury to kill you when wearing a helmet? h**l yes! it still happens at an all too high rate. but, I prefer to sway the odds in my favor, and wear a helmet!

  3. In New York, kids 14 and under are supposed to wear helmets, but enforcement is terrible at best. I've even heard police officers say it's too much of a hassle to issue a ticket because you have to track down the parents who might be at work or away somewhere.  

    Regardless of the law, it's a good idea to wear a helmet anyway. The states shouldn't have to legislate common sense.

    There have been several bike fatalities in my area over the past year and every one of the victims was helmetless and many others disregarded traffic laws.

  4. In Califirnia, 18... I'm WAY past 18, and I NEVER ride without one. Never. 99.8% of your serious riders always wear a helmet. All it will take is one crash to change your mind.

  5. im in the az, i ride past cops as fast as i possibly can and they seeeeeeeeeeeee me with no helmet and i dont get in trouble helmets r not good......welll they are too wwen i fall.

  6. Since the folks answering this question could be from just about anywhere in the world, you've given us a fairly vague question that leaves us to offer a general response.  That said, laws regarding bicycle helmet use varies depending on your local municipality, and the degree of local enforcement of said law.  However, it's typically recommended, and very much encouraged, that all bicyclists wear a helmet regardless of their age or what surface they maybe riding on.

  7. The law is different in different states.  Usually it is 18.   I am 27 and have always worn my helmet.  Cars don't watch for bikes and they weigh about 2 tons.  Brains are very fragile and are only protected by a few inches of bone.

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