
What is the legal amount can a landlord increase ones rent?

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lived in a three bedroom apartment for six years now. have had my rent increased $50.00 a year. going on to my sixth year and my landlord is now wanting to increase my rent now $150.00 more. is their a legal amount or percent they can increase or not.




  1. If your city or county has a rent control ordinance, then that would apply. Check with your city or county housing office to see if there's rent control where you are.

    Other than that, there's no limit.

    Why don't you try negotiating with the landlord? First, though, find out what rents for comparable apartments are. Maybe even at a $150 increase, you've got a bargain. Probably not, but you ought to check. On the other hand, the landlord doesn't want to price himself out of the market. So, find out the rents for comparable units.

    Then negotiate. If you like it there, maybe offer to sign a two-year lease with a $75 increase this year and $75 next year. That's just half of this year's proposed increase, but there's another increase built in, and the landlord would be getting a 2-year lease, and there's a lot of benefit to a landlord from that.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Unless there's rent control, there's no limit

    IF you have been a good tenant, paid on time, caused no problems, kept your place up, a LL usually wants to keep a good tenant in place and will not give an extreme rent increase. . . .

    Due to housing bust, rental market is picking up. . . .look around and see what market rentals are. . . .see what comparable rentals you can find. . . be prepared to move, but speak with LL to see if he will moderate rent increase if it's not born out by market and you can't afford it. . . .  

  3. He owns the property, he can charge as much as he wants.

  4. $50 a year is average, however, this past year expenses have gone up to maintain housing.  Check with your city zoning official to see if there are any laws in your city which regulates rent.  Unfortunately, the person at the bottom is feeling the brunt of the high prices everywhere.

  5. nope anything they want goes

  6. They can increase it to $902394 if it doesn't say anything in your contract.  They just have to give you ample notice.

  7. Your agreement with the landlord ends when the lease is up.  You have the option to move out and they have the option to present new lease terms.  If you don't want to pay the extra, try to negotiate with the landlord.  If you are a good tenant who pays rent on time every time, takes good care of the place, and doesn't cause problems for the landlord, they will probably try to keep you, or at least negotiate with you.  

    Rent can be increased by any amount as long as you are not in a rent controlled area.  Personally, I don't like to increase rent on good tenants because I want them to stay.

  8. I'm pretty sure they can increase it as much as they want if they own the property. Check your lease to see if there is anyway you can get around it..find a loophole or something.

  9. as long as he inform the tenants of his intentions in an appropriate amount of time then it's legal.

  10. no legal amount, sounds like he wants you out...  six years same place, look for a mortgage!!

  11. It depends on where you are!

    In the US, most states have a percentage allowance based on that year's cost of living rates.

    Try contacting your local Housing Authority and asking them what a reasonable rent increase is. The local Social Services may be able to direct you to the right place if the Housing Authority can't.

  12. Unless it is a rent controlled apartment (like those in New York), he can raise it as much as he wants.

  13. i don't believe there is a cap on the amount they can raise it as long as it's not in the middle of a lease, because when it comes time to renew you are within your rights to refuse renewal and move somewhere else.  

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