
What is the legal drinking age in Paris, France?

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I need to know soon, because I'm going there soon and I'm 16 years old!! Help!!




  1. The ages given by John are correct except that they are not drinking ages. They are the ages at which you can be sold alcohol or served alcohol in a bar.

    You can legally drink at any age at home or anywhere in the company of an adult. There is no drinking age in France (it is only illegal for an adult to get a minor drunk).

  2. They despise Canadians and will be reluctant to serve you no matter what your age.  Anyway, if you really speak French then you should ask the question on French pages.

  3. 16 for beer, wine, and champagne.

    18 for hard liquor.

  4. as a french man i was thinking you were able to drink alcool in bar at 18 ,able to drink alone in bar at 16 no alcool drinks

    anyway just know the local fun is to "over drink" the young foreigners like you ,learn to say "non merci"(no thank you)

  5. When you are old enough not to have to ask!

  6. at birth.

  7. u can drink from 16 year old but with a meal. it is called social drink if u want and the aim is not to get drunk. for clubs u have to be 18 to get in anyway. then i dont think we chack that much

  8. 16 for beer and wine.

    The French are not sticklers for the law and tend to ignore it. With the exception of Scandinavia, European countries are very relaxed about alcohol.

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