
What is the legal position on deposits if the firm doesn't come up with the goods ordered on time?

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What is the legal position on deposits if the firm doesn't come up with the goods ordered on time?




  1. You can only claim a complete refund of your money if it is stated quite clearly in the contract you make with the company when you ordered the goods, that there was a deadline for their delivery.

  2. You can challenge the company through the civil courts via a range of legal provisions and by a range of legal processes.

    Eventually you may well recover compensation that represents a tiny percentage of your original loss.

    Welcome to capitalism.  Business is invulnerable to rights of the individual.

  3. Read ALL the small print before you sign anything.  If it says "deposit non-refundable"... you're outta luck.  If it is unclear in the small print, you might take them to small claims court. Before you do anything else, talk to the person in charge or the owner.  Usually that will work to your advantage.

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