
What is the legal procedure to get place in my in-laws house after my husband's death. i have no issue.?

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What is the legal procedure to get place in my in-laws house after my husband's death. i have no issue.?




  1. If you live in the US, and you were living with the inlaws, you are out of luck other than you can collect his social security.

  2. You being a widowed daughter in law, a member of the family has right to continue at your in laws house even after the death of your husband. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 provides that any woman has been, in a domestic relationship & who has shared household i.e. lives or at any stage has lived in a domestic relationship in the family. This household includes owned or tenanted property which may belong to the joint family of your in laws. Even after the death of your husband you have right over the property which was self acquired & owned as well which if it was the Hindu ancestral joint family property of your husband's family & he being one of the Coparcener had share in the property. You can file complaint under this Act against your in laws if they prevent you from living in with them at their house.

  3. File DV with the right to residence!

  4. with good lawyer.and help of your neighbours,that mixed with you and your late husband

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