
What is the legality of being over paid ?

by Guest65256  |  earlier

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i've been over paid due to accounting error. can my employer legally ask for the money back? or should he be getting the money from the accountant. UK resident




  1. If something has been paid by mistake, then it is not yours to keep and your employer has every right to ask for the money back.  Ethically you should notify your employer so they can make deductions from your next pay, or arrange to have you transfer the money back to their account.  Having said that there is always the chance that there could be an oversight and they won't ask for the money back - it's up to you whether you notify them or not.

  2. .    You owe the money.  One person got a check for $1Million when she was really owed 10cents.  She deposited the check and no one noticed the error for months.  The legal theory is "unjust enrichment".  

  3. I'd assume if it was a one-time mistake then they should be able to get it back, but if it was something that went on for a while and they didn't catch it, too bad.

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