
What is the legality of paying to park on a work site and when there are no parking spaces left you are fined?

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for parking in undesignated places.payees money is then used for other things like company debt. Non car users do not have any monies used for company debt.




  1. I would speak with the person in charge of the HR department and have them explain this in full.

  2. I am sorry... Are you saying that the company is fining you for parking in undesignated space? I thought the only people who can "fine" cars for parking in the wrong place is the government.

    I'd check with your town or city's "parking and traffic department" as they are supposed to regular local parking lots as well, esp. if fines and charges are levied as an enterprise.

    For example, in the city of Pasadena, ordinances are written so that the city can issue citations for illegal parking on private property (no tow away though) at request of property's owner (who requested enforcement).

    Thus, I suggest three things:

    1) I'd check with your local "traffic and parking" department to see what your company is doing is legal. You'll need proof though, such as an internal "citation"  on paper that says you owe them so and so, and the reason.

    2) as the first answer said, if the fines are deducted from wages, that's an illegal deduction and the employer may be subjected to penalties (as much as 30 days of wages in CA)  

    3) even if it's NOT deducted from wages, you may still have a case for illegal deduction / penalty based on what you've told us so far. You'll need to consult with a labor law attorney though. There should be some that'll give you a free consultation in almost every city, probably members of Legal Aid Society.

  3. i know it sounds unfare but it is always up to you to fined a suitable but legal parking area. yes you will have to pay the fine unless you have a blue badge for disabled parking and it is displayed properly.

  4. The general principle is -  you use the car park, you accept the rules.  What the operators do with the penalties you are charged for breaking those rules is nothing to do with us. Simple solution is, don't use that car park.

  5. Can you make it a bit clearer.

    You can be fined on any private land for parking other than in accordance with displayed signs or without permission, doesn't matter if you have a permit or ticket to park, if you put vehicle in an area not designated for parking you can be fined.

    Payment is down to you and first answer is right about taking it from wages.

  6. Eh??!!

  7. It sounds like a question of how the so called 'fine' is payed.

    If the 'fine' is taken from wages without written authorisation, it is an illegal deduction and can be challenged in the employment tribunal as such.

    Either way, it sounds like the crappiest employment practice I have heard in a while...and I hear a few!!

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