
What is the life expectancy loss from working at a nuclear power plant from 18-65?

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Occupational exposure is typically 520 mrem per year

Conversion Table:

rem to mrem = multiply by 1000

mrem to rem = divide by 1000

Radiation Life Expectency Loss from 18-65:

0.3 rem = 15 days

1 rem = 51 days

For fun, here is other life expectancy loss from other factors compared to occupational radiation:

20 Cigarettes a day = 6 years

Overweight by %20 = 2 years

Alcohol Consumption = 1 year

Construction Industry = 227 Days

Agriculture Industry = 320 Days




  1. Your estimate of occupational exposure seems a bit high.  I found data at 150 mrem.  

    The occupation you need to include is airline crew.  It's close to a 1000 mrem/year, probably the highest occupational exposure experienced by a large number of people.

  2. Based upon your numbers an 18 year old exposed to 520 millirem per year would be expected to lose about 25 days for each year he worked.  Over the course of 47 years of work he'd lose about 3.2 years (1175 days).

    This is the math.  I question the premise.  Light alcohol consumption, for example, is reported to aid health by helping to prevent build up in arteries.  Obviously, this will not shorten life.

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