
What is the life expectancy of -50 degree antifreeze?

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If I had my boat winterized in 2005 should I have it re-done if I haven't used the boat?




  1. Go to your local autoparts supplier and buy a tool called a hydrameter. They aren't expensive, I think I got one for about 2 dollars. Anyways, they are simple to use. Just take a sample of antifreeze, and there will be some kind of indication if the antifreeze is still good are not. I like the type that has an arrow that points to good or bad, but I think the type with floating balls is cheaper. In my opinion, heat is more taxing on anitfreeze than anything, so if it hasn't been run in a year or so, I think you should be fine. But, you can always test it to be sure.

  2. Just take a sample of antifreeze, and there will be some kind of indication if the antifreeze is still good are not. I like the type that has an arrow that points to good or bad, but I think the type with floating balls is cheaper. In my opinion, heat is more taxing on anitfreeze than anything, so if it hasn't been run in a year or so, I think you should be fine. But, you can always test it to be sure.

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