
What is the life expectancy of an indoor housecat??

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What is the life expectancy of an indoor housecat??




  1. 20 years...or maybe a little less.

  2. idk 5-8 yrs?

  3. indoor cats usually live longer than outdoor cats... anywhere from 15-25 years.  i had an indoor/outdoor cat that lived to be 19.

  4. 12-18 years.....mine are 13 right now!

  5. Depends on how u treat them. If u buy them good food and take them to vet wonce in a while they should last 8 to 13 years that is they dont get raned over by a car. If u never take them to the vet and just give them to eat food left overs then less than 10 years of age :) iv had tons of cats before

  6. its best just to dispose of them right away and get a dog

  7. Well mine lived to 15 years... but it died then i got 2 more

  8. around 15 years give or take a couple

  9. That depends if you give it regular checkups to the vet and get it's shots.  It also depends if it's a strictly indoor or if it's an indoor/outdoor housecat.  

    If it's a strictly indoor house cat, it could live 15-20 years, if it's indoor outdoor, it might only be 14-18 or so.. (Due to fights it can get into outside, jerks that aim for cats when they are driving, etc.

  10. I don't know, but my cat is 18 years old and still looks young. She goes outside and loves it, but spends most of her time inside sleeping.  

  11. 20 to 25 years old at longest

    16 years or something on the average?

    Well nutrition

    Good sleep

    Good love by family

  12. it really depends on a lot of things, like how much excercise the cat gets, if it is properly vaccinated every year, food, attention, stress, spayed or neutered, etc.  A normal life expectancy could be 13 to 14 years according to purina.  But can live much longer.  up to 18 years or so but not normal.  

  13. 10-12 years.

  14. My cat Cece was 22 when she passed away. I have not personally known of older cats but hear they can live up to 25.

    Edit: I was a bit curious and found this

    "In captivity, indoor cats typically live 14 to 20 years, though the oldest-known cat lived to age 36."

  15. I dont know if this is exact, but I know

    that if you take great care of them they can

    live to be 15-17 years old....

    (human years)

  16. round 12 till 15 yrs :D

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