
What is the likelihood of Hurricane Katrina Happening Again??????

by Guest66684  |  earlier

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  1. another hurricane of the same category as katrina happening again is very likely, i'd say 85% for the event occurring again. it might not be soon though. future hurricanes might be even stronger than katrina. the weather system today is a bit freaky. thanks to our doing, emitting green house gases.

  2. It happened last month. The people in Iowa had major flooding

  3. Are you asking about another major hurricane hitting New Orleans?  Or just another hurricane that causes such widespread damage.  No one knows the likelihood, but eventually a major storm will do major damage to a populated place, that is certain, when and where it will happen no one can say.  If you are asking about the way Katrina was mishandled at the local and federal levels let's hope we do it better next time.  Most cities are not built almost entirely on land that is below sea level, so most places would not have the extreme difficulties that New Orleans did.

  4. eventually it will.

  5. A Katrine like hurricane is more than just likely, another one of it's size and terror will happen. The hurricanes are getting more violent and more numerous as each year passes so to say that one of Katrina's calibre would not happen again, or to give it a percentage point would be shortsighted.

    This old world is giving up the ghost to global warming and we are going to see more than just the hurricanes, we are going to see the extinction of many animals on a grand scale. The planet just can't cope with what it has to work with these days.

    The problem is that it took us decades to destroy the natural order of the planet and we aren't working fast enough to reverse the damage.

    So ... expect more of the same calibre in hurricanes as well as worse winds than Katrina's.

  6. I don't think they give out the same name twice.  As the world climate changes there is more chance of stuff happening and a good chance that weather events will get more powerful.  Of course, in central Ontario that doesn't mean much as we never get weather to speak of and global warming sounds like a good reason to not put my motorbike away.

  7. zero.  Another hurricane will be named something else. The chances of anoher one hitting New Orleans is very possible.  Let's hope that the Gov and Mayor will actually do some thing next time.  They had to wait for the feds to come to the rescue.

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