
What is the likely hood that an appeal will come out with a different verdict?

by  |  earlier

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If the judge's verdict at small claims court was for the plaintiff what is the likely hood that if an appeal is made the next judge will side with the defendant?

I hope that makes sense! :)




  1.       In a small claims civil case, there is not an automatic right of appeal, it must be granted. At the small claims level, this pretty much is restricted to having new evidence that was not available at the time of the first trial and couldn't have reasonably been known at the first trial. Unless some major new event has occurred surrounding the circumstances of the case, I would say you're safe in assuming that your positive verdict will stand.

  2. An appeal is based on your assertion that there was something improper in the original trial, not just that you didn't like the verdict.  

    In legal terms, there have to be grounds for filing for an appeal.

    If you have such grounds and believe that a new judge will agree with you and order a new trial, go ahead.

  3. it makes sense but understand someone said you did something the judge believes you did it. if you didn't do fight till you can go no further then put all your stuff in your sisters name

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