
What is the likely hood that i could get 2 tickets from a scalper for the game tonight?

by  |  earlier

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I cannot afford to pay 1000 bucks for just one ticket on ticketmaster's ticket exchange, nor stub hub or anything of that matter. My friend and i want to get tickets up there. Anyone know how likely that could happen. Would be willing to pay 600 a ticket, but no more.

Also, what do those ticket vendors do when they dont sell all the tickets? do they sell them back to the box office??




  1. Ebay Still has some standing room only tickets left for like 300 each

  2. you can get them for 600 for sure- get there early and see

  3. i got 2 tickets. center ice. 6th row upperdeck

  4. Probably not at all actually only because this COULD be the last game of the hockey season now us penguins fans hope not... =/

    Let's Go Penguins! -♥-

  5. Hey man some of those scalpers sell fake tickets. Just check to make sure they are the real deal. and no they dont sell back to the box office. Scalpers are illegal remember? Just haggle with them most are not too bright.

  6. its illegal to scalp in carefull.

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