
What is the lim (x→0) (cosmx-cosnx)/x^2 ?

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my answer is (-m^2+n^2)/2

can anyone verify this?




  1. These comments you see on the internet about Dr Malaika ( are not just comments, they are truthful words of experience written by those who have been there and found help

    in reuniting with the ones they hold dear to their heart and other marital and financial problems. I can tell you this because I also asked him for help to cast a spell to fix my relationship with the only woman I have ever

    loved after been married four time in the last four years cos i didn't believe in love but in the power of being rich. When it came to meet my wife it was different

    because I fell for her in every way. At the time i met her it was only a while before the relationship became serious cos I bet she love me also.

    We moved in together and our relationship blossomed. we got married but couldn't have a baby and then I discovered my wife was barren. I had to try some spell casters but to no avail

    until I contacted Dr Malaika. HE restored my wife's womb and just like that she got pregnant, she has given birth now and our baby is growing. I later casted a money spell through him

    which he did and today we are rich and doing very fine. Thank god for our lives and also to Dr Malaika who God has used to blessed us. I know that not everybody will believe this moreover its just something

    on the internet but my heart knows every of this word that formed this entire comment is true. Am Leaving Dr Malaika's contact for those who believe this and need help as well. his contact is:


  2. lim x-----> 0 (cos mx - cos nx)/x^2

    = lim x------->0  [- 2sin (m+n)x/2 .sin (m-n)x/2]/x^2

    = - 2[lim x---->0 sin((m+n)x/2)/x]  x [lim x---->0 sin((m-n)x/2)/x]


    take, (m+n)x/2 = z => when x----> 0 => z ----> 0

    and 2z/(m+n)

    similarly, take, (m -n)x/2 = p

    so, when x--->0 => p--->0

    and x = 2p/(m -n)


    lim x----> 0 sin((m+n)x/2)/x

    = lim z---->0 sin z/(2z/(m+n))

    = lim z---->0 (m+n)/2 . sin z/z

    = (m+n)/2 . lim z-->0 sin z/z

    =(m+n)/2 [since, lim z---> 0 sin z/z = 1]


    lim x----> 0 sin((m - n)x/2)/x

    = lim p-----> 0 sin p/(2p/(m-n))

    = (m - n)/2 lim p ---> 0 sin p/p

    = (m - n)/2

    so now we have,

    lim x --->0 (cos mx - cos nx)/x^2

    = - 2[(m+n)/2][(m - n)/2]

    = - 2(m^2 - n^2)/4

    = - (m^2 - n^2)/2

    = (- m^2 + n^2)/2 <==ANSWER

    Hope I helped u :)

  3. If you haven't learned L'Hopital's rule, you can still get it by using trig. identity.

    cosmx - cosnx

    = cos[(m+n)x/2 + (m-n)x/2] - cos[(m+n)x/2 - (m-n)x/2]

    = -2sin[(m+n)x/2]sin[(m-n)x/2]



    = lim{x->0} -2sin[(m+n)x/2]sin[(m-n)x/2]/x^2

    = (-1/2)(m+n)(m-n)

    = (-1/2)(m^2 - n^2)

    = (1/2)(n^2 -m^2)

    By the way, the answer covers the case m = n.

  4. 0/0 so use L'Hopitals

    lim (x→0) (cos(mx) - cos(nx))/x²

    = lim (x→0) (- msin(mx) + nsin(nx))/2x

    = lim (x→0) (nsin(nx) - msin(mx)) /2x

    still 0 / 0 so do it again

    = lim (x→0) (n²cos(nx) - m²cos(mx))/2

    = (n² - m²)/2

    so yes you are correct

  5. Case 1 : m = n

    => lim ((x → 0) (cosmx - cosnx)/x^2

    = 0

    (because cosmx - cosnx = cosmx - cosmx = 0)

    Case 2 : m ≠ n

    => lim ((x → 0) (cosmx - cosnx)/x^2

    = lim [(x → 0) (2sin(m+n)x/2*sin(n-m)x/2] / x^2

    = (n^2 - m^2)/2 lim [(x → 0) [sin(m+n)x/2 * sin(n-m)x/2] / (n^2 - m^2)x^2/4

    = (n^2 - m^2) / 2

    => your answer is correct only if m ≠ n.

    For m = n, the value of the limit is 0.

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