
What is the limit of how far women will go to accede to men?

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What is the limit of how far women will go to accede to men?




  1. Women will let men ravage the planet with country-wrecking mass-murdering war, just to get to plant their factories and  retail outlets and soldiers all over it, in order to dominate it and control it all. - and so get to keep most of the money, be telling  everybody what to do, and get to enjoy killing.

    And women will let men play control bully at home too , in our own country - to be hero-worshipped as being our saviors! "saving" us from every kind of villified person who might otherwise just need some help, or hasnt done anything wrong at all --> untill we have more of our own people in cages than any country on the planet since  Stalin!  (Yay!)

    (Hooray! Hooray for right wing propaganda tv series, and for cow catchers on the front of  police cars! Yay! Oh what sport! GET that poor person, Beat him! Beat him!  

    And women will let an anal retentive drug addict with hate in his heart, air in his head, and his lungs, call them "n***s" - and they'll repeat it for him.

    Oh but they do!

    One told me just yesterday that Rockefeller payed to create feminism because he wanted to destroy America!

    The vast majority of women apparently "think" (though no thinkng occurred in the process of them COMING BY this conclusion) that feminism is bad. Very very bad.

    They think that because they think what they're TOLD they think!!!

    And I'm angry with them for being so lazy and spineless as to just be a parrot, and try no harder for themselves.

    But I'm MORE angry at the mean divisive males who'd trick them that way. Take advantage of them.To make them repeat c**p ABOUT THEMSELVES!

    Someone asked me for examples of evil the other day-->that's one.

  2. Do you mean: When will she put out,or agree to going on a date,or enter into a contract of matrimony.

  3. I accede to the vision or Will of others (regardless of genitalia) unless those visions are already encompassed by my own.  I am a Spock type.  I prefer playing that Star Trek role of profoundly loyal friend, companion and adviser to Captain Kirk's.  I do not prefer to play Captain Kirk's myself.  But, I serve only those captains who are worthy, who mean us all well, who have a lucid brain and use it for the good of all, who are fair and believe in the Golden Rule, those who have a rational and healthy vision that encompasses my own vision at the time.  You know, real leaders who can take us to where no one has gone before, people who can help me grow and rise within myself.  

    I'm actually repulsed by those who choose to squat and bicker over the spoils like a god on some planet along a space journey, as though there is any honor or meaning in such squating when it is our species' Will that we humans explore and go where no one has gone before.  That exploration takes true leaders and I follow them most respectfully because I believe in the future and in our natural goodness.  I accede to nothing less than real leadership that can lead me or others out of ignorance, fear or some suffering. based on decent vision and intelligence, rather than "gender" male entitlement expectations or rules or a fist and some holy book squatting like baboons on a planet thinking they are somebody anymore in their paltry spiritually incetuous magical-thinking subjective prehistoric morbid Master / Slave paradigm.

    I don't have a problem with authority.  I just have a problem with morons and baboons in positions of authority or presumed demi-god authority generating self-sustaining self-serving rights for themselves only.  We need leaders, not "rulers".  I don't follow rules.  I follow leaders.

  4. Space is the limit!

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