
What is the limit to the human brain w/ working/schoolwork?

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I have run it pretty hard. Its been all day for months at a time typing and reading and thinking on the computer/books. But it has also been a hard intensity of intellectual growth, so what is our limit or does everything get forgotten/pass w/ time?




  1. I don't think the human mind has limitations, except those we place on ourselves... consciously or unconsciously.  Ask a first or second year medical resident... some people may burn out while others just keep on going.  72, 96 hour 'days' are not unheard of with 12 hours off and another 48 after that.  It may eventually take a toll on your body, the time, type, and amount of work and stress will vary.  As far as forgetting, some people have excellent recall for their entire lives... again, it justs depends on the individual.

  2. If you do not use it, the details will eventually be lost for most people.  You retain the "big picture", but not the details. If you eventually get too much knowlege and wisdom to be stored in the brain, it settles in specialized fat cells around the waist. At least that is what I try to tell my wife.

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