
What is the link between guano and insanity? What is the history of the saying "bat sh*t crazy"?

by Guest63243  |  earlier

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What is the link between guano and insanity? What is the history of the saying "bat sh*t crazy"?




  1. The original American expression is "Bats in the belfry" : 'someone who acts as though he has bats careering around his topmost part, i.e. his head'. Hence, "batty". The "sh*t" part makes it only stronger.

  2. i don't have a clue on what you are going on about, this a trick question?  

  3. Hypothesis:

    Standard etymology:

    Bat **** is used as synonym of extreme or beyond normal, because it is , under many points of view: hyper smelling, quite disgusting, present in some places in huge quantities because bats have community places, where they merrily release

    Other suggestions:

    -guano is extremely smelling and sudden, unexpected  contact let you act insanely

    - Bat-**** fells on heads unexpected and unseen (in a cavern, by night, in Gotham city) so people reacts insanely without apparent reason

    - Guano is extremely slippery: if you put your feet on bat **** you will loose balance and start acting apparently in a crazy and unjustified way

    - It is not bat-**** crazy but bat ****-crazy: bats are clean animal they cannot bear the presence of ****, otherwise they become mad

    - it is not bat-**** crazy it is butt **** crazy (obvious reasons)

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