
What is the list of worst killers in history i.e hitler?

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no i mean i heard about one chinese dictator or something in very early times who killed millions of people. What is his name?




  1. Actually, Stalin and Mao were responsible for the deaths of more people than Hitler.

    The worst killers of all have been the various diseases that have afflicted humans throughout  history.

  2. Milton Snugglepot was perhaps the worst killer in history.

    He was terrible at it. He made dozens of attempts and never got it right once.

  3. Hitler (n**i Germany)

    Stalin (USSR)

    Chairman Mao (The people's republic of China)

    Julius Caesar (Republic of Rome)

    Early American settlers (killing native Americans)

    America during WW2 (the nuke was completely unnecessary)

    George Bush Jr ( the  3500 soldiers who died unnecessarily and the hundreds of thousands of defenseless Iraqis)

    Countries in West and North East Africa ( committing genocide in the name of God )

    More like when Egypt enslaved the israelites.

  4. George Bush

  5. I don't think anyone just sat down and made a list one day.. just look up mass murder on google or something

  6. You must be refering to the founder of the Qing dynasty, the builder of the great wall.

  7. well charles manson is not a serial killer because he only killed like one person, he just led others to kill for him

    hitler didnt really kill as many people as some other people

  8. Dictators:




    Serial killers:

    Harold Shipman

    Ted Bundy

    Charles Manson

    Gun wielding crazy shoot-up-the-town MOFOs

    Thomas Hamilton

    Michael Ryan

    The Columbine kids (don't know their names, sorry)

  9. Jack the ripper

  10. Deng Xiaoping was a Chinese Dictator that had hundreds of thousands, maybe millions killed under his watch. There was never a trial and he was never punished he died at age 92.

  11. Hitler didn't kille many people if any.

  12. George. W. Bush

    and any African dictator,

    Joseph Kony is the worst in my opinion.

    I've met kids with all their fingers and lips and ears cut off and they had been forced to help kill their own families.

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